Friday 29 June 2012

Could this be any sappier?

This is an uncharacteristically sentimental post, but perfectly timed as I'm leaving to go back to the states tonight.  When we decided to come to Singapore, some people were excited for us, some wanted to come too, and others thought we were completely nuts. We had actively sought out an overseas assignment, so it didn't even occur to us to turn this one down. 

So on April 21 of this year, I took Sophia and Cooper out of school so we could join Jason in Singapore.  They didn't finish the school year, and instead we spent the time exploring Singapore.  It has been the most amazing experience of my life.  Not because I'm in another country, but because I've spent almost every minute of the last 60 days with my kids.  I always knew they were fun but I have been able to appreciate their uniqueness on a whole other level... Cooper's quick wit, Sophia's love of nature, most of all their love and respect for each other.  It has been a gift.  A really, really fun gift.  I have never felt so close to my children.  It helps that they are at an age that it is easy, and honestly, really interesting, to hang out with them, but I have to wonder why a lot of parents don't really seem to want to spend time with their kids anymore.  So many people assume I must be going crazy, being with them so much.  Rest assured, I am in complete control of my sanity.

Alas, when we get home I will be forced to share the kids with the "regular" world again.   I am looking forward to seeing all of our family and lots of friends, but honestly will miss this special time.   At least I can look forward to having them to myself for a 23 hour plane ride home tonight.  Even if I heard them arguing about who gets to sit next to dad.  I guess they are the ones who need a break from me!

 See you in August, Singapore!

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